1. Before: what do I want to find?

1.7 Where can I search for it?

1.7.5. Databases

Databases and data catalogues are an excellent information source, because the institution in charge of managing them usually has a reputation for high quality and academic rigour. In order to search in a database, we need to bear in mind that the information is segmented in several fields (which are usually the same all over the database) and that we may filter our search using these fields.

Some specialist databases are Traces (Catalan literature), PubMed (medicine), Aranzadi (law), WorldWide Science (science), Dialnet (academic resources), Academia (academic resources), etc. Most of these databases require registration by users, and many of them are paid services.

The UOC Library provides access to platforms and databases from the main editors to which it is subscribed, and articles, journals, ahead of print editions, conference proceedings, etc. may be found there.

The link to these databases of electronic resources is: http://biblioteca.uoc.edu/en/resources/e-resources, and it provides access to a broad range of databases where searches may be performed.

Figure 15. UOC Library – electronic resources.