1. Before: what do I want to find?

1.7 Where can I search for it?

1.7.6. Virtual libraries and the UOC Library

Until the outbreak of the digital revolution, libraries had always been an almost exclusive reference in terms of searching for and finding information. After the technology adoption in the digital era, many libraries offer a virtual service that makes it possible to access their catalogue (and usually their resources) on-line.

We should keep some names in mind: World Digital Library, Europeana collections, Biblioteca Digital Hispánica, The free library, etc. Some of this portals have a restricted access for their members only, while others provide free access to some of their resources. Many academic institutions allow their members to access their own library, or else they have agreements with other organisations in order to have access to their services.

The members of the UOC academic community have access to the Virtual Library, with a large team of experts working to ensure quality in terms of learning and research. Students and teachers are allowed to check reference materials on-line. It also offers an in-person loan system that is managed on-line.

The tools and resources offered by the Library are a very interesting element, and they allow for searching for and finding relevant, high-quality information.

The following video shows how to request a book on loan from UOC Library:

Figure 16. UOC Library.